Dr. Chou of GIS.FCU Invited to Give Speech in USA

Dr. Chou of GIS.FCU Invited to Give Speech in USA

Director of GIS.FCU, Chou Tien-Yin, was invited by the Dallas-Fort Worth Area Chapter (DFW) of the USA Chinese Institute of Engineers (CIE/USA) to visit Dallas, Texas from August 26th to 27th. Dr. Chou had speech “Spatial Environmental Monitoring Application on Big Data and Cloud Computing” in the 2016 Annual Conference with Smart City and Smart Life theme.

Dallas-Fort Worth Area Chapter (DFW) of the USA Chinese Institute of Engineers (CIE/USA)
Dallas-Fort Worth Area Chapter (DFW) of the USA Chinese Institute of Engineers (CIE/USA)
2016 CIE/USA-DFW Annual Conference
2016 CIE/USA-DFW Annual Conference

CIE / USA Association and the Society of seven chapters throughout the United States have been founded more than three decades. Hundreds of members from regional Chinese engineers and experts usually had regional activities, and also invited international experts and scholars to join the Annual Conference. The representatives of Ministry of Science in Dallas, Miss Yu, invited Dr. Chou to represent Taiwan as a Smart City expert to join Annual General Meeting, and gave a keynote in the forum. Dr. Chou also joined some social activities. The CIE-DFW club members are engineers form industry, government and industry, and most of the club officers are from AT&T, Texas Instruments (TI), University of Texas at Dallas, the City, and other well-known companies and universities.

Dr. Chou also visited AT&T Big Data Innovation Lab on August 26th. The Lab’s interior space design is open-style, and provides a number of the latest hardware and software, such as 3D Printer, microwave insulating housing, electric vehicle batteries, and even agriculture sensors. The lab allows researchers to freely design any applications at will without interference and restricts. Its free style of all kinds of plan perhaps be the reason of AT&T’s innovative products and its strong market share.

Visiting AT&T Big Data Innovation Lab
Visiting AT&T Big Data Innovation Lab
AT&T Big Data Innovation Lab interior space
AT&T Big Data Innovation Lab interior space

CIE / USA also arranged a visit to Dallas City Hall and met the acting mayor, talking about the idea and plans of Smart City. Dallas City is one of the Top 100 Resilient City in the world. This award is the great work of efforts for many years. The group also visited the Transport Management Center to learn how to reduce traffic jams on the roads. The integration management of traffic lights and junction monitors is a good example for Taiwan.

Visiting Transport Management Center in Dallas City Hall
Visiting Transport Management Center in Dallas City Hall

Then, the group visited a Micro Smart Grid Demonstration Base of the private power company ONCOR, to understand the operation of wind power, solar energy and natural gas, and their interaction and match about power supply, as well as the efficient power storage and lower carbon emissions. The example from ONCOR Micro Smart Grid Demonstration Base is a good example for energy strategy and policy in Taiwan.

Visiting ONCOR Micro Smart Grid Demonstration Base
Visiting ONCOR Micro Smart Grid Demonstration Base

The last stop was at a nursery school which is a green building. The building was designed to use efficiently the solar energy, wind, ventilation system, rain water recycle, and kitchen waste recycle. In addition, the school teach the children the concept of environmental conservation. That is the most effective way to promote environmental protection from the basic.

Visiting the Green Building of a Nursery School
Visiting the Green Building of a Nursery School

On Aug. 27th, a full-day of lectures and forums was held, and dozens of smart city industrial exhibitors and nearly 500 people attended the conference. In the keynote speech, Dr. Chou introduced the achievements of GIS.FCU in disaster monitoring and management, the applications of agriculture and transport sensors, and big data analysis in Taiwan.

CIE-DFW 2016 Annual Conference Speech
CIE-DFW 2016 Annual Conference Speech

After two days of visit, the experience exchanges about the Smart City and Smart Life will be valuable and useful for applications in Taiwan.

Banquet of Annual Conference


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